Aak! Psa: Support Ask A North Korean!

Among the many "Ask" blogs that AAK! inspired, Taman Kanak-kanak feels the proudest of Ask a North Korean by NK News. Within the English language Internet, it is absolutely the closest to hearing the perspective of ordinary North Koreans on a regular basis. 

So Taman Kanak-kanak is happy to announce the new Kickstarter campaign by NK News, which will be used for hiring two new Ask a North Korean writers. There is a number of swag available for your donation, including eBooks about North Korea, coffee mugs and custom t-shirts bearing Unha-3 rocket or Taedonggang Beer logo.

Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at askakorean@gmail.com.

Sumber http://askakorean.blogspot.com

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